Where did the time go? Braaaa-aack... blame a vortex wormhole - that excuse always seemed to worked in Middle school.
The Shinjuku Battle Royal event at Kaiju Blue that ran for a full month between Ocotber and November was a big success - with Mori doing special instore events not once, not twice but 3 times which is a new record for a Kaiju Blue event by any artist. You can read a re-cap of what went down at the first one on this post
Sunday Busy Sunday as well as the first of four instore events featuring the Katsushika Nights Radio Crew.
You may have also read about the second drop - The Halloween drop that featured the instant classic Mutant Dokurocks, Old Scholl Evils and Chaos, and the rarely seen Monster Mash-up that is Pop-oas Superman (good dudes all for Halloween I would say) at
Squdblastrs excellent blog (what up Aaron!!)
The third and final drop took place on the 14th of Nov - and while I was not privy to make it - our man over
Kadomium Tank stepped and got some awesome photos. More old school goodness to make your teeth hurt. Blasts right outta 2007. Kad's got tons more pics to goggle over and the hardcore can google his entry.
But no rest for the vinyl as the focus shifted to Parco for a group show of the whos who in the world of vinyl character goods. The theme of the show being LUCKY ITEMS and along with Real x Head, Pop Soda, Uamou, Mirock and Skulltoys - there were entries form Devilrobots, T9G, CHINO, MOGraphixx and more more more. Kadomium once again shows off his ability phase shift and be every where at once and has the
photos to prove it on his fine blog. This short but sweet star-studded extravaganza finished on November 30.
Mori, Sasa and Shinpei recreate the poses
on the famous Katsushika Radio t-shirt design. |
Then to keep everyone on their toes, on Sunday November 28th the lovely Sasa Handa and the Tenacious Shinpei held the second of four planned Katsushika Radio Night events at the Gangu. (Read about the first at
Sunday Busy Sunday post previously menthioned.)
Sasa released the 田 (DA as in HANDA) version of her fortune cat baby series. Which is the second character in her name - the first release was the SA. By my reckoning there will be 2 more. Must not miss.
Of course on top of all these shinanegains there wihave been outstanding releases at the store - this wave of ChaosMan Next - is funky and fresh- reported for duty yesterday. Shout at to Mr. Andy at
Kaiju Korner for this awesome pic!
The mystical phase-shifting Mr. Kadmomium tank has a great set of pic up from one of his recent away team mission in which he beamed down to Aoto to collect the scientific evidence. You can see his report over here -
well worth a quick debrief.
Friday we took a break in our busy schedules to help with the Sneak opening of long-time Real x Head collaborator Ayako Takakagi and her brothers studio / gallery /cafe / restaurant called
Studio Uamou / restaurant BOO! The space and the food were amazing, and the crowd was just right.
So as you can see we haven't been busy but we have been painfully aware the the RxH U.S.A blog needs more love! You guys need more love! You need Rainbows, unicorns and mutant minis in your life. There for we have prepared a special selections just for you all - the patient - the hungy - the Global Real Head crew. So we will make announcement tomorrow and thre will be some new goodies in the shop next Wednesday. Details to COME!